You are viewing the Resources for the older version of JourneyApps (V3). JourneyApps V4 is the new default for all new apps since July 1, 2016.

JavaScript Events

In addition to onpress events on button components, JourneyApps provides some basics events that are triggered on user interaction.

Please Note: The JavaScript Events feature is available since version 3.22.0 of the JourneyApps Container on Android, and since version 1.10.8 of the JourneyApps Container on iOS. Certain events require a greater JourneyApps Container version, please see the table below for details. If you have trouble while trying to use this functionality, please ensure that you've updated to the latest versions of the JourneyApps Container on either Android or iOS. If you are using a custom-branded version of the JourneyApps Container, please contact JourneyApps Support to obtain an updated version.

The following events are currently supported:

Component Event Triggered when Event Parameter JourneyApps Container Version
barcode on-scan After a barcode is scanned. The barcode (string). Android 3.22.0; iOS 1.10.8.
signature on-capture After a signature is saved or cleared. Signature id, or null if cleared. Android 3.22.0; iOS 1.10.8.
picture on-capture After a photo is captured or selected from gallery. Photo id. Android 3.22.0; iOS 1.10.8.
selectbox on-change After a new selection is made. Selection value. Android 3.22.0; iOS 1.10.8.
checklist on-change After an item is checked or unchecked. Selected values (array). 4.0.11.
date on-change After the selected date is changed or cleared. Selected value 4.6.1.
datetime on-change After the selected date or time is changed or cleared. Selected value 4.6.1.

The event attribute specifies a JavaScript function to be called when the event is triggered.


The below example code shows how events can be used on each of the above components:

View XML:

View JavaScript: