You are viewing the Resources for the older version of JourneyApps (V3). JourneyApps V4 is the new default for all new apps since July 1, 2016.

Queries (Filtering Retrieved Objects)

This function allows you to retrieve a list of objects matching specified criteria.

Relative URL HTTP Request Method
/api/v1/object-type.format?query[attribute]=value GET
/api/v1/object-type.format?q[attribute]=value GET
/api/v1/object-type.format?query[attribute]=value1&query[other_attribute]=value2 GET
Note: Replace object-type with the type of object that you wish to retrieve (as defined in your app's Data Model), for example 'person', 'job' or 'asset'. Replace format with the response data format (json or xml), or leave it out. Multiple query criteria can be specified.


Query parameters are specified as a URL-encoded query or q hash. Valid keys for this hash are names of the attributes in that object-type. The format for the values are the same as for creating objects. Please refer to the same section at Creating New Objects.

You can specify your criteria with logic such as 'equals', 'not equal to', 'greater than', 'less than', etc. as follows:

Comparison Syntax Allowed Values
Attribute Equals query[attribute]=value  
Attribute is Not Equal To query[]=value  
Attribute is Less Than query[]=value  
Attribute is Less Than or Equal To query[attribute.lte]=value  
Attribute is Greater Than query[]=value  
Attribute is Greater Than or Equal To query[attribute.gte]=value  
Attribute Contains query[attribute.contains]=value
Attribute is Null (or Not Null) query[attribute.null]=value Specify true for the value to check for "Is Null" or false to check for "Is Not Null"


The response includes a list of all the objects of the given type which match all of the query criteria. The format of the objects is the same as for listing all objects (please refer to the Retrieving All Objects section.)


Note: When using curl with queries you have to either escape the square brackets with a backslash (\[) or add the -g option to turn off curl's globbing functionality
Match a string attribute Match multiple attributes, including human-readable dates Query with datetimes in ISO8601 format Match a value (as a string) from an enum Query on a relationship - Find all assets related to the specified room.

Searching Across All Attributes

You can also search through all the attributes of all objects of a given type for a partial text match. This can be useful for implementing basic search functions.

Relative URL HTTP Request Method
/api/v1/object-type/search.format POST


The search text must be specified as a URL-encoded parameter named query.


Search task objects for the text "First":


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